Sponsor Our Thriving .NET Community
Connect with thousands of passionate .NET developers, software engineers, creators, and CTOs through our influential newsletter.
Newsletter Subscribers
Average Open Rate
Average Sponsorship Views
Average Sponsorship Clicks
Newsletter Mention
- Mention at top or bottom of newsletter
- Published at 6:00 am UTC every Saturday
- Reach 10,000+ subscribers
Newsletter + LinkedIn
- Newsletter mention
- LinkedIn post (55,000+ followers)
- Bonus Twitter post (6,000+ followers)
Complete Newsletter
- Dedicated newsletter issue
- Published at 6:00 am UTC every Saturday
- Permanent placement on Substack
Our Previous Sponsors
LinkedIn Followers
X (Twitter) Followers
Sponsorship Details
Choose from our three sponsorship options to reach our engaged .NET community:
- Newsletter Mention: $200 for a mention at the top or bottom of our newsletter
- Newsletter + LinkedIn: $250 for a newsletter mention plus a LinkedIn post, with a bonus Twitter post
- Complete Newsletter: $300 for a dedicated newsletter issue
All sponsorships include:
- Reach: 10,000+ subscribers, growing ~1000+ per month
- Audience: .NET Developers, Software Engineers, Creators & CTOs
- Ads are text only, 1-2 sentences long, and include one link
- You supply the copy and we edit it to fit our voice
- Ad copy is due one week prior to the newsletter date
- All ads are subject to editorial approval
To reserve your sponsorship or for any inquiries, please email:
Reserve your sponsorship here