Introduction to Minimal APIs in .NET

Minimal APIs Introduction

Minimal APIs were introduced were introduced in .NET 6 and more light weight than controllers.

Minimal APIs are a simplified approach for building fast HTTP APIs with ASP .NET Core

Pros and Cons

These are the benefits of using Minimal APIs:

  • Minimal APIs offer a more concise and focused syntax for defining routes, endpoints, and handling requests.

  • Traditional controllers often require a significant amount of boilerplate code to set up routes, actions, and parameter bindings. With Minimal APIs, this boilerplate is significantly reduced.

  • Minimal APIs use a functional-style syntax that allows you to define routes and endpoints using lambda expressions.

  • For small to medium-sized APIs, you can define your entire API in a single file, making it easier to manage and navigate your codebase.

  • Minimal APIs can speed up development cycles due to less code.

  • Minimal APIs allow you to define routes and actions without the need for separate controller classes.

Additionally Minimal APIs have some cons:

  • For complex scenarios where we need to put a lot of routes Minimal APIs are less flexible alternatively they are best fit for those Microservices where we create tiny APIs.

  • Testing can become difficult while using Minimal APIs because it is not as simple as we do for controllers.

  • We might face lack of resources/community/tools/libraries while working with Minimal APIs because these are quite new in .NET world

Replacing Controllers with Minimal APIs

We can use following methods of Web Application for CRUD operations:

  • MapGet

  • MapPut

  • MapPost

  • MapDelete

Each method takes two parameters a string(which is route path) and delegate(which could be anonymous type or strong type and empty as well)

Let’s look how its controller looks would be: Introduction to Minimal APIs in .NET

Now we will replace it with Minimal APIs , instead of putting all this code in different controller file , we would put our code in Program.cs file. Introduction to Minimal APIs in .NET

How to inject dependencies using Minimal API

Let’s update above example and now add IConfiguration in our API and retrieve a hardcoded username from appsetting (Just for the sake of demo).

Sometimes we need to inject IConfiguration or IHttpClientFactory then we can use it like this: Introduction to Minimal APIs in .NET

How to make your Program.cs file cleaner

It seems fine if we have just 4-5 minimal APIs but what if you have larger number then Program.cs file would become messy and lengthy creating difficulties in managing it.

Create different method that handles delegate part (As I mentioned above Minimal APIs take route and delegate) then call that method. But still code would be in Program.cs file which I don’t want.

We can create regions as well to differentiate APIs aligned with a specific entity but it does not make our Program file cleaner.

Let’s create a extension method for each entity endpoints: Introduction to Minimal APIs in .NET

Now register it in Program file Introduction to Minimal APIs in .NET

Additionally you can check this video on “How To Organize Minimal API Endpoints Inside Of Clean Architecture”.

For more in depth knowledge check official docs of Microsoft

When should we use Minimal APIs

  • Simple application with a few routes

  • Microservices (with small number of routes)

GitHub Code

You can find code of this newsletter issue at this GitHub Repo .

This article was originally published at on .

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